Hello. I´m intressted of joining this guild and here is the answers on the questions you gave me.
1. In game name: Yardar
2. Class/specc/race: Warrior/prot /human
3. Professions:Jc and mining
4. Armory link: (arms atm for pvp) only for fun
5. Days/hours of gametime: 69 days and more on alts
6. Raiding experience: I started raiding in tbc t4/t5 and started raiding t6 when pach came so every noob in world could clear BT ^^. Have almost cleared naxx, 2 bosses in DK wing that I haven´t done yet, done sarth and voa ofc. Never done Malygos.
7. Where you in other guilds before?If yes why u left?: When I were raiding in tbc I was in forceofnature but we ended raiding when wotlk came. I have been in a irl guild in wotlk but we never started raiding naxx.
8. What do u expect to find in a guild?What will you offer?: I want it to be a friendly and nice guild with good raid progsess and I´ll try to come for mostly of the raids.
9. Do you know anyone from Bloodlust?: Yes got an irl mate in guild named feylin.
10. Tell us few words about your real life: Lives at home, studding and playes basketball on my sparetime.
I hope that you want me in guild // Yardar