1. In game name: qazma
2. Class/specc/race: warlock \ destruction\ gnome
3. Professions: tailoring
4. Armory link:
http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Tarren+Mill&n=Qazma5. Days/hours of gametime: 93 days 14 houres in this level 4 days 14 hours
6. Raiding experience: naxx full clear malgys 10%
7. Where you in other guilds before?If yes why u left?: rain \ officer was a jerk
8. What do u expect to find in a guild?What will you offer?: good progress friendly member also good gear
9. Do you know anyone from Bloodlust?: no
10. Tell us few words about your real life: am a kuwaity guy 26 years old have good connation I can raid for 5 hours a day 5 days a week if you need any information just ask me